Lær foto av en av reklame-, forlegger- og motebransjens mest erfarne fotografer!


13.09.2016 - by  Admin

This is a photography course for people with background from the creative industry like advertising, fashion or design, that want to learn more about pre-production and implementation of a photoshoot. The course examines the theory behind basic camera and lighting techniques and otherwise consists of a lot of practice in planning, photography and lighting with natural, artificial and flash lights. Thorough analysis and feedback on the implementation and results will boost students' development in this short, but intense course. A nice dinner and a drink on Saturday evening is mandatory :-)

Time: Thursday to Sunday

Location: Barcelona

Teacher: Svein Bringsdal

Svein Bringsdal CV:

Advertising and fashion photographer with a number of big clients as customers. Renowned art photographer, magazine owner and editor of the fashion magazine SVA ( Svein is also a known speaker and workshop organizer at home and abroad.

This lecture is suitable for anyone who wants to learn how to take professional photographs, and who already have a visual understanding. No experience required, but we wish that the course also will be interesting for those who have worked with other visual directions.

We will come back with concrete dates when we see that there is enough interest. If you are interested let us know on: Please mark the subject in th e-mail: Photo course in Barcelona.

Category Education


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